Saturday, September 5, 2009

Just don't listen

As I was closing the last post about our man eating spider, Anna Reese comes running in the back door
"There's a snake in the backyard"
And sure enough, Ross races out the back door and yells,
"Miriam get my gun"
and sure enough this was in our backyard
and sure enough Bella, (the hyperactive A.D.H.D. dog who never obeys) has been bit.
The snake, a copperhead, is dead. And Bella with her swollen sore nose has had a dose of Benadryll. Hopefully she'll be okay.
My dog, like my kids, never listens. So I hope my kids learn a lesson when dad says get the *@!*(insert expletive) away, you better move FAST and OBEY!


  1. Is Bella still alive. I thought copperheads were poisonous. Maybe she will have to be turned into a vampire.

  2. Yes Bella is alive. She was bit on the top of the nose and her head and neck swelled up like a balloon. But the swelling was gone after 24 hours and she is fine.
