Friday, June 12, 2009

Puppy Love

In our home, if you have 4 legs and fur Anna Reese luuuuuuvs you! (This love affair with all God's creatures great and small is why she wants to be a vet when she grows up) "They are so cute mommy I just can't stand it" is her response to every dog, cat, rabbit, turtle, frog, lizard, horse, ladybug, squirrel, rolypoly, (etc. etc.) she meets. And this summer she is in puppy heaven.
And now without any further adue, may I introduce Lola, Skipper, Chubbs, and Paco. The newest additions to the family. Courtesy of our hoochie mama dog, Bella.
"Who is the puppy daddy?" you ask, the world may never know!
(we are still trying to explain to Anna Reese why Bella isn't married)


  1. Cute!
    I love dogs!
    I have two! :)
    I'm from Brazil, so I didn't understand some words...
    Kisses :*

  2. They are so cute! You are keeping them all right!
